Birthday wishes for godson Collection
Dear Godson, Wish you very happy returns of the day! May you have a smooth and lovely life ahead yours loving Godmother.
Life is never boring around you! Hope you don’t set fire to your birthday cake this year! Happy birthday Godson!
Tick tock, tic tick you are like a time bomb waiting to explode into the life. Enjoy this special day with a pomp blast.
You have just turned into another year. Enjoy your life rooted to the core! Happy birthday sweetie may you live long and strong for years.
Trouble the second name is my Godson .But, what would I do without you in my life. You make each day brighter Happy Birthday!
You came into my life with a smile and I am still smiling, each day thinking about you. Wish you many happy returns of the day.
I believe you are going to be a very intelligent and smart young man one day. I am glad to see the changes in you Happy Birthday!
Life is like a dream. Take the positives, learn from the negatives. Hope today you will have a bagful of memories to store. Happy birthday my dear.
I wish you all the joy and love that life can bring to you in the future. Wishing you a happy and a prosperous birthday.
Jingle bells, jingle bells jingle all the way .Oh what fun it is to have one sweet God son like you Happy Birthday!
Every Birthday is next to special as new things are just around the corner. Have a great Birthday blast and enjoy each moment like no other.
Life is like a roller coaster .But; with you there for me I get on it fearlessly. Happy Birthday sweet dear you rock!
You are one of my super heroes. You make me live life through you and your antics. Live till 100 and spread the Joy Happy Birthday!
When I was asked to be your Godmother I was beside myself with Joy. I still am. Wish you may more happy returns of the day!
T stands for Trip and also for trouble. You have been one big joy for me. Would have been bored witless without you. Happy Birthday Trip.
You have been the apple of my life for such a long time. I missed to see you become a handsome young man. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you my dear Godson. You have been the greatest source of joy to me all the time! Love you my son!
You have been a precious gift to me from the God. Happy birthday sweet Darling! May you bless with all the jeweled days ahead.
You are the spotlight of my life. You make my world complete. Happy Birthday to you my dear! Let all your dreams come true.
Fun, frolic and more fun is what awaits you this birthday. Come to your party and be wowed. Many happy returns of the day.
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