40th birthday wishes Collection
Celebrate as much as you can stand tonight, but not too much, because you are forty now.
Hope your 40’s to be as awesome as your 20’s!
Rest In Peace 30’s and goodbye!
Happy Birthday! Sorry for telling you, but you are closer to a half century of living, more than ever.
Wishing you a very warm welcome to the middle ages. Happy Birthday!
Look on the bright side. Turning 40 is better than turning 50.
What most persons consider as virtue, after the age of 40 is simply a loss of energy – Voltaire
When you reach forty you can’t do anything every day. – Henry ‘Hank’ Aaron
Today, you complete the golden phase of your young life and enter the league of the elderly. Wishing you a wonderful life ahead.
Life begins at forty. – W.B.Pitkin
Be wise with speed; a fool at forty is a fool indeed. – Edward Young
Forty today and you look younger than ever before.
You are exactly like wine. The more you yield to maturity the better you taste.
Hope you always be so enthusiastic and joyful as you are in your 40th Birthday.
40’s is the new 20’s. The only difference is the level of the experience.
Happy 40th Birthday!
Happy Birthday to a person that is forty and still kicking!
May every unfulfilled dream of yours during the past four decades come true.
You are halfway to 80. Way to go!
Wishing you a happy, joyful and prosperous 40th Birthday!
You still look like a 25 year old, even in your 40’s.
Check out this amazing collection of 40th birthday wishes, the 40th birthday wishes on this page incorporate the messages from these article, but feel free to add your own.
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